Curriculum Planning

Planning with purpose.
Collaborative approach built on a common framework

Bring subject departments together in a collaborative space where planning is scaffolded by a common framework and subject specifications built-in to save time, reduce workload and introduce consistency to planning.

Join our growing list of schools that trust our leading education platform to deliver impact and better outcomes

You focus on the teaching and learning. We remove the admin. Oh, and we make sure your planning meets all the requirements

We walk departments through the entire planning process step by step ticking off compliance along the way
Curriculum Planning
Scaffolding subject planning

A subject planning tool that your teachers won't hate using

Teachers will plan for every subject using a consistent and collaborative approach using a common framework that walks them through the planning process.

Subject specifications are built-in so they can focus time on building a meaningful learning experience.

Subject inspections

Inspections - don't sweat it, we got your back so you can sail right through

We have standardised all the terminology, included all the relevant sections for teachers to complete and we check off requirements along the way.

Compliance becomes part of the planning experience and not the reason why you are planning.

Highly effective practice

Promote highly effective practice, strategies and methodologies

SchoolWise elevates your planning with built-in classroom strategies, methodologies and differentiation throughout the planning process.

This encourages teachers to ‘level up’ their planning and helps to build a ‘best-in-class’ learning experience



How can SchoolWise help?

Your work changes lives and we give you the tools to make that job easier!

Latest subject specifications built right in

Future proof your school and stay up to date

  • Included in SchoolWise are the latest subject specifications for Junior and Senior Cycle. Learning outcomes, strands, elements, key skills and statements of learning are automatically available without any need for manual entry by teachers
  • Your teachers won't have to worry about not planning for outcomes, maintaining spreadsheets and checklists. We highlight any gaps in their planning by showing what was planned and not planned for based on the subject specification
  • As new specfiications come on stream or are revised you won't have to worry. Any updates will automatically be included in SchoolWise
  • Teachers don't need planning templates, cross-check specification documents, have posters and websites open to build their plans

A living, breathing planning process

One that evolves and grows with your school

  • Reflections are captured within each unit of learning highlighting what worked well and what can be improved next time. Every teacher has a voice on how teaching and learning takes place
  • Units of learning can be easily changed or updated to reflect what actually happens in the classroom facilitating an organic approach to planning
  • Planning is a process and not a once-off task. We foster collaboration with the sharing of knowledge and resources part of the process
  • Departments, cycles and levels can all be enabled at different stages, multiple specifications applied for cross-curricular learning making SchoolWise a flexibile planning solution that meets the needs of your school

Planning with real purpose and impact

Not just a 'tick box' exercise or 'just for inspections'

  • We provide your teachers with all the key ingredients to build subject plans that are purpose driven and have meaningful learner experiences that can have real impact
  • Together with your hard work paried with our platform planning is structured, consistent, purposeful and full of engaging experiences that place the learner at the centre of the planning process
  • Your teachers can map out their entire planning process using SchoolWise. They can delegate, build as they go or decide on a more flexible approach that works for them and not against them
  • SchoolWise takes compliance and inspections 'out of the way' making sure it is not the focus of the planning process - but part of it.

Foster collaboration in and between departments

Where everyone is literally on the same page

  • A truly collaborative experience for teachers where they can share and learn from each other, develop 'best practice' and work together on a common purpose
  • Your teachers now have a place to capture reflections to identify what is working and what can be improved. This leads to a more involved and iterative planning process
  • Planning tasks can be delegated, resources shared, units of learning mapped out with full visibility and input by everyone in the subject department
  • Not every department will plan the same which is why SchoolWise is the perfect solution that is dynamic, flexible and can facilitate cross curricular subject planning

Subject specifications built-in
No manual input of subject specifications or cross checking documents. Learning outcomes, strands, key skills, statements of learning and wellbeing indicators are all built-in to SchoolWise
Common framework for subject planning
Your teachers will have consistency to planning and our common framework will walk them through the planning process promoting strategies, methodologies and differentation
Collaborative approach to unite subject departments
Finally, a subject planning tool that your teachers won't hate using. A truly collaborative approach to planning that makes sure everyone is on the same page
Meet your planning and inspection requirements
Safeguard your school in ensuring departments meet all their subject planning and inspection requirements. SchoolWise makes compliance part of the planning process not the reason why you plan
Planning with purpose that has long-lasting impact
We place the learner at the centre of the planning process taking the admin out of the way so teachers can focus on outcome driven plans with meaningful learning experiences
Consistent subject planning right across your school
Your teachers will have a consistent platform to build their subject plans. This will facilitate better collaboration, facilitate cross curricular planning and help build a 'best-in-class' process
Full visibility on subject planning
You have full visibility on subject planning right across your school. View all the activity, units of learning, compliance requirements and the level of collaboration within or between departments
Robust solution that is proven to provide results
Our schools have benefitted from uniting departments, streamlining their subject planning, helped to create plans that have resulted in long-lasting impact and led they way when it comes to inspections

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Simply book your free, personal and no-obligation demonstration of SchoolWise and discover how we can help your school drive better outcomes and deliver real impact